Human Bowen

Bowen for People

Bowen is a catalyst for the Body to trigger a response

From the very first session people wonder how such gentle moves can have a powerful effect.

A general feeling of well-being as well as improved posture.  It can help with structural problems (for example frozen shoulder, back, neck and knee etc.); all can be improved with Bowen.

As reported by John Wilks in 'Understanding the Bowen Technique': "Studies of various 'light touch' therapies have shown that one does not need to use forceful manipulation to achieve significant positive changes in the body". 

A truly holistic approach

Bowen not only addresses the presenting condition(s), but treats the body as a whole.  Encouraging a natural potential for health and the potential of healing to express itself in many aspects of the clients life.


This technique requires pauses between some series of moves which makes it unique - giving the body time to respond and integrate the work being done.  It is usual for the therapist to leave the room, for around a minute, allowing the person to relax without the need for conversation; the therapy is generally carried out in silence. I like to remain in the room and make notes on any responses that occur, such as sleeping and bodily movements.


Like fishing nets, our Fascia can dry out and get stuck, break and become entangled with other structures.

I believe and can best explain it thus: 

Gentle Bowen moves can encourage our Fascia to break free from its' constraints, helping it to drink up the hydration offered by passing cells - Bowen can give the Fascia the space it needs to move into and breathe.


Blood and bodily fluids carry our oxygen, hydration and nutrients etc. to the structures within the body, taking away toxins and de-oxygenated cells.  A miraculous journey of a million events happening all at once within our body without us even knowing or thinking about it. 

Bowen can affect these events by stimulating the lymphatic system which in turns aids the elimination of toxins. 

Autonomic Nervous System

With Bowen the Autonomic Nervous System can switch from Sympathetic to Parasympathetic; meaning it can rest from being in 'flight or fight' mode; looking within for healing, rest and recouperation.

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